Messenger Angel: A Mythological Fragrance Packaging Design

Bringing Ancient Scents to Life with a Touch of Mythology

Since ancient times, fragrances have played a significant role in daily life, captivating queens and goddesses alike. Inspired by this rich history, designer Musa Celik and the brand Kertil Cam have created Messenger Angel, a fragrance packaging design that pays homage to the mysteries of ancient scents.

Inspired by the belief that fragrances hold the power to unlock the secrets of the past, Messenger Angel is a symbol of the miraculous nature of scents. The brand Kertil Cam is known for crafting fragrances using plant-based ingredients sourced from the unique nature of Turkey.

What sets Messenger Angel apart is its mythological visual world, featuring soft color transitions within the symbol of the angel. Each variant of the fragrance is named after plants with historical significance in Turkey. The floral structure in the bottle design represents the unique scents, while the spiral waves rising from the bottom create the illusion of scent splashes, evoking the feeling of fragrances overflowing from the bottle.

The production of Messenger Angel involved the use of 90% recycled PET and PP labels. The challenging detail of creating the spiral section on the bottle's neck was overcome with a unique production method, ensuring a flawless execution of the design.

With dimensions of 25 cm in height, 4.6 cm in length, and 8.6 cm in width, Messenger Angel stands as a testament to the brand's commitment to luxury and innovation.

Kertil Cam, a brand renowned for its exquisite colognes, sought a premium design that would capture the essence of their unique scents. The Messenger Angel symbol serves as a powerful brand identity, even without the logo, reminding customers of the brand's meaning and spirit.

The design process for Messenger Angel took place in Istanbul from June 15, 2021, to December 30, 2021. The research conducted by the design team revealed a lack of premium brand identities in the room scent product category. By incorporating the angel symbol and the floral form of the bottle, Messenger Angel differentiates itself from competitors and evokes captivating stories from the past.

The main challenge faced during the design process was striking a balance between the brand's historical look and the need for a modern and youthful redesign. The development of a solid brand identity and symbol was crucial in making the brand more memorable and appealing to customers.

Messenger Angel is a testament to the successful fusion of history, mythology, and modern design. It breathes new life into a brand with a nostalgic impression, creating a captivating and memorable experience for fragrance enthusiasts.

Awarded the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in 2022, Messenger Angel stands as a well-designed, practical, and innovative creation that meets professional and industrial requirements. This recognition highlights its integration of industry best practices, technical excellence, and contribution to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Musa Çelik
Image Credits: Musa Çelik
Project Team Members: Musa Celik, Efe Esa
Project Name: Messenger Angel
Project Client: Musa Çelik

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